Adventures of a globetrotter

Part of Aerotaxi group


Paintings sales

The paintings below are made by me (Peter C. Mantel) and I offer them for sale here. This is a selection from my private collection of Watercolour, Oilcolour and Acrylic of each is only one copy.

Note: Clicking on a photo opens a new black tab within the website with a larger photo. To return to the website, close the opened black tab at the top right corner of the large photo tab.
You can also see the whole series by pressing the play button on the opened black tab, which will take you past all the paintings.
The photos sometimes show a border, this is of course not on the painting.

Because a frame is often personal, most paintings are offered for sale without a frame unless stated otherwise. Of course I can make a frame around it that suits your wishes or you can have this done yourself, in consultation with you of course.These costs are excluding the painting price. Click on the picture to see a larger version, once opened you can click in front or back to see all paintings enlarged.

What does a portrait cost?

I make commissioned portrait paintings. A portrait of 30x40cm from 350,- euro, if it is a portrait of a person with a neutral background. I make these in oil paint, you have to count on a drying time of at least one month. For the portrait I make use of photos, if you deliver these yourself (digitally) they should be well sharp and at least 2 mb, preferably several photos. Together with you I will choose the photo, colours and composition to be used. I can also put you in contact with a professional photographer.

Other painting commissions, in consultation. For sales you can click here the webshop or for further information you can contact me via the contact form.

Aeroplane – Oil on paper 40×30 cm
Life – Oil on paper 40×30 cm
Spitfire – Oil on cardboard 40×30 cm

Montmartre – oil on cardboard 27×21 cm
Shoreline – oil on paper 40×30 cm incl. passe partout en lijst
Mountains – oil on paper 48×36 cm

Male erotic – Acryl on canvas
Sailboat Sunset – Aquarel on paper 40×30 cm

Asmara Baltic – sold
Bathing woman Acrylic 40×3
Girl – Acrylic 80×60 cm
Girl S2 – Acrylic on canvas 80×60 cm

Asmara Finland 2015
Portrait male – oil on canvas 40×30 cm
Abstract Cheyenne – Acrylic on canvas 40×30 cm
Selfportait – Oil on canvas 40×30
Amanda – Oil on canvas 40×30
Grandma 90 year – 2018
Abstract woman left site – acrylic on canvas 40×30
Abstract woman right site – acrylic on canvas 40×30
Barac Obama – Oil on canvas 40×30 cm
Rob Mantel 1944-2004 † – oil on canvas 40×30
Officer in the Order of Orange Nassau
Honorary citizen of Leiden (NL)
Founder Luba uitzend buro
Rob Mantel with Fleur – Oil on canvas 50×50
Suzanne Schulting Shorttrack – oil on canvas 30×40 cm
Ilse de Lange – oil on canvas 30×40

Peter Mantel

Gepensioneerd uit de luchtvaart. Avonturen met de Asmara. Ik zeil met mijn tweemast kotter van de Noordzee tot de Oostzee

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