Adventures of a globetrotter

Part of Aerotaxi group


Sales LED strips

Replace your interior lighting in an inexpensive way with LED lighting. For dark rooms or as Floodlight in your galley.

I have quite a stock of used LED strips on board for 12v and 24v. Can be connected directly to your 12v or 24v onboard system, no transformer needed. If you want to use the strips for 220v, then you need a transformer, I also have some of these on board.

I also have a connected batch of LED blocks for 12v, these can be cut to your desired length size. The LED blocks are warm white, see the kitchen picture.

LED strip 24v – connectable
LED strip connected 24v
LED strip 12v
LED Strips 12v connected
LED blok’s Asmara galley

This sale is direct from my ship. Prices of 1 euro per LED block or 2 euro per LED strip. I usually sail in Friesland at the beginning and end of summer. High summer in Scandinavia. For my location go to the menu button under contact and select one of the three options to see where the Asmara is or sails. From 4 October to 1 April I will be in my winter harbour in Sassenheim. You can also call or app me on my mobile phone +31 (0)6-22226472.

If you prefer to order perhaps because I am sailing, please go to my webshop and order what you want there.

Peter Mantel

Gepensioneerd uit de luchtvaart. Avonturen met de Asmara. Ik zeil met mijn tweemast kotter van de Noordzee tot de Oostzee

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