Adventures of a globetrotter

Part of Aerotaxi group

Asmara newsOostzee(EN)Reizen(EN)Sweden(EN)

Summer trip 2023 through Sweden

In 2015, I took a beautiful trip to St.Petersburg. These and many other trips I depicted in my first book, “My Freedom” for sale on Aerotaxi’s webshop. In 2021, it was Gdansk. The summer of 2022 I only made a short trip as far as Middelfart DK, partly due to the Ukraine war and the exorbitantly increased diesel prices.

The journey through the Gota and Trollhatte Canal

So this summer 2023, my trip will be centred on the Göta Canal in Sweden. I also want to make this trip to write a cruising guide from it. A cruising guide for sailors and power boaters. I first went to see if I could make this trip in 2022 that year, but it was too short a day for that. The planned route Asmara see map. Diesel will be taken by me on the outward and return trips (full) at Helgoland. Tank capacity 1100 ltr. route Asmara see map. 

Gota channel
Overview total trip
Trollhatte channel

Additional crew member

Also looking for a buddy (M/F) who wants to sail with me for the whole trip (6months) or just the canal and help sail safely through the 64 locks. Sailing experience not necessary, this trip (canal) is on sheltered water there will be 90% motor sailing. Also for non-Dutch person English or German speaking no problem. This would be a period from mid-June 2023 to early August 2023 (in consultation). The cost budget below is only for the canal passage. For the whole trip from 1 April to 1 October shared costs apply.

If, for reasons of your own, you cannot join me this year, or would like to take a trip with me at all, you can always do so. I sail to Scandinavia every year starting on 1 April and always end 1 October in Leiden, my birth city, to celebrate 3 October. I also regularly make fun YouTube films of all my trips, so subscribe to my channel and who knows, you might be able to sail along for one or more stretches on a shared-cost basis one day. Only one bed is available for guests. (M/F)

Facility on board

The Asmara is a 37′ 50-year-old Bloemsma cutter, you can read more about this on this website. Originally designed by de Vries and Lentsch as a motorboat with a wooden support mast at the back. A previous owner thought to turn it into a sailing boat by adding two aluminium masts with the necessary rigging, which didn’t quite work out. So it is not a cruise ship!

Originally designed with 4 beds, two in front two aft, all in one open space. So no separate cabins. Because I started living on this boat right away in 2008, I therefore always need the beds in the forward section for supplies for travelling. In the back, there are two single beds in an inverted V arrangement. So all this is in a shared space, so you don’t have to be squeamish. The bathroom does provide privacy via a door with a modern washbasin, an electric toilet and a sit-down bath. The latter has unfortunately also been sacrificed to provide space for a small washing machine, which also makes taking a shower impossible. But we never used to have a shower at home either, so washing at the sink or jumping overboard with a soap bottle in hand in nice weather, al la nature. Being a naturist myself, I have no qualms about jumping overboard in Adam’s costume. Furthermore, the Asmara has its own internet network on board, hot and cold water, fridge and freezer, Kitchen with 4-person dinette, Bose music system, TV in the Salon and in the Bedroom, Apple TV, DVD player, Spotify, etc.etc. So even in bad weather, you won’t be bored.


Overview of costs of embarkation canal

Flying to Linkoping (KLM) and flying back from Gothenburg. Tickets for own account (about €300,-) For time on board share costs. (lock fees, extra overnight in port, diesel use). The ticket for the whole canal passage from MEM-Gotenborg in high season (2022) costs about €1020. By booking early before 31 March 2023, I expect to get another 25% discount so total around €800.
Estimated diesel costs for the entire canal passage (100 hours, engine) based on €1.61/ltr = 400 ltr.x €1.61 = 644,- . 
On the Gota Canal, overnight stays are included (not all ports). So in all ports along the Gota Canal (there are 21) you can stay 5 nights in each port. Other harbour fees include on the lakes and are extra (little, a lot of anchoring) Housekeeping fees are shared together.
Here’s another summary of estimated costs

  1. Flight tickets from Amsterdam – Linkoping / Gotenborg – Amsterdam (one way) € 300,- (not included)
  2. Diesel contribution for canal passage € 330,-
  3. 50% cost channel approximately € 385,-
  4. Cost of lock complex at Gothenburg (Trollhatte Canal) to be paid on arrival 1100,- SEK = €100,- (€50,-PP)
  5. There is a one Rabo account available for household cash groceries, food, eating out, etc. for 6 weeks about €350 pp/month. this is an existing transit account of mine. Full access to balance and debits.

Total estimated cost for embarkation (channel) €715, excluding approach tickets and household cash
Where can you find a mini cruise holiday for 1 1/2 months including accommodation for that amount.

Getting acquainted and meeting can still be done until the end of April/beginning of May in Friesland, otherwise via video call (whatsapp, FaceTime apple, zoom, Skype etc.)
Point 1. set dates in consultation with me (sometime late June) and book yourself. (bus ticket Linkoping-MEM to be ordered in advance, I can help with that)
Point 2 and 3 To be paid before mid-May (€ 715,-)
Point 4 To be paid on arrival lock (end of August), can also be paid from household pot (separate account)
Point 5 Depositing the household pot, by both to this Rabo account we can arrange later we on arrival at the boat in June.
Point 6 If the channel passage has started and the embarker disembarks before the end point, the channel ticket cannot be refunded.

Sweden uses the Swedish krona as its currency, so if you want to pay cash somewhere, you need to have krona. In very many locations in Sweden you can also withdraw from the wall for contact money, but easier and cheaper is of course to just get your pin.
It promises to be a unique trip in high summer, taking the boat 91 metres above sea level via all the lock gates. With many overnight stays along the route to soak up Swedish culture. Serious candidates can contact for more information via email or phone at the bottom of the page or fill in the contact form. Those embarking can download and print a checklist below

De hoogte verschillen

Croudfunding / Donation

Asmara trip in financial straits

As this trip costs more than usual due to the doubling of diesel prices, my croudfunding remains unabated and total amount has been adjusted to also publish my book.

The budget that i prepared for myself back in autumn ’22 has taken quite a dent, financially speaking. For instance, I have had to deal with a lot of high unforeseen costs, I had expected diesel prices to stabilise or get lower. Subsequently, my embarkation officer disembarked and also stopped going through the channel. All these additional setbacks do make me think, am I going to make it at all?

But perhaps with your support through the donation campaign, I can still raise enough budget to plan this. Of this trip, I am making a detailed report of the whole route with more than 60 locks from MEM below Stockholm to Gothenburg on the North Sea side, with a total drop of 91 metres. I plan to publish this report in book form after my return. In addition, I give regular video updates on my youtube channel “Sailing the Baltic with the Asmara” 

To donate and read what you get from me when you donate, you can read below and read the story about it again, as well as the YouTube video. If you don’t want to, you can also donate directly on the top right of this page in the blue widget, just click on the Heart with the text “donate”. You will always get something in return, but please remember to enter your email. Click here to make a financial contribution for this trip or at the blue widget top right, thank you in advance.

Sponsorships for companies

Companies that do sponsorship get in return advertising on my website with a link to your company. It is also possible to provide flags of your company, which will then display your company throughout the trip (6 months) in the Rigging of the Asmara. On request they can receive a receipt by sending an email with the name/address and donation details. We can then make a receipt. Due to the media attention (a newspaper article has already been published), this trip will receive a lot of attention. I hope for your donation.

What do you get in return for your donation (please provide your email address for this)

Note: The books listed below are as yet in the Dutch language

from € 5,- Placement on the mailing list, this will automatically keep you informed of all new blog’s, news and whereabouts about the trips with the Asmara
From €15,- I raffle 3 books “My Freedom” (see for reaching my goal for the trip through Sweden which starts on April 1. Do give your email address (a €10,- voucher for the webshop.)
from € 50,- 50% discount on the book “Gota canal” of this travelogue when published (2023) or a €20 voucher for the webshop.
From € 75, – Gift certificate for free E-book “My Freedom” (see webshop) or a €20,- voucher for the webshop.
From € 100,- A free book of this travel log with issue or € 75,- or a €30 voucher for the webshop.
From € 150,- An oil portrait painting of 30x40cm made by me from a photo provided by you or a €30 voucher for the webshop.

Will you help me to be able to do this beautiful journey in the spirit of the Asmara?

Peter Mantel

Gepensioneerd uit de luchtvaart. Avonturen met de Asmara. Ik zeil met mijn tweemast kotter van de Noordzee tot de Oostzee

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