Adventures of a globetrotter

Part of Aerotaxi group

Asmara news


The Asmara is again moored in Kudelstaart. Problems with the fuel pump are being addressed. The pump has to be taken off and to a machine factory. . .

Again, marinas are fighting for their territory and do not allow other companies to carry out repairs on them. The marina has to take the pump off and send it to the machine factory. In this way, the marina sends the total bill to me with, of course, their work and a commission on the machine factory’s bill. The pump is now back on. Now it appears that oil is still dripping from that pump, this time it’s the level plug that leaks oil, when I tighten it by hand I can keep turning, so also this thread in the house is broken. (That wasn’t the case, but who can I claim?) After some phone calls the pump has to be taken off again and sent to me. (No guarantee, because this is a different connection) The marina gets its work and commission back on track, every little bit helps. I am looking forward to the bill with some care. I get more and more insight and knowledge of my motorbike, this is the last time someone is on it, the next jobs I do myself.
Now it also turns out that when I had a week to borrow in my mother’s car, I got a print for 28 km too fast, note 195,- euro, can still be added. The last weekend with nice temperatures and sunshine, I am stuck in my box.

Peter Mantel

Gepensioneerd uit de luchtvaart. Avonturen met de Asmara. Ik zeil met mijn tweemast kotter van de Noordzee tot de Oostzee

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