Adventures of a globetrotter

Part of Aerotaxi group

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Agent voor Rusland

Naar Rusland?

Wil je naar Rusland zeilen, bv St Petersburg of Vyborg dan moet je een aantal zaken goed regelen, een daarvan is natuurlijk het visum. En een visum krijg je alleen maar als je een invitatie uit Rusland hebt, welnu dan heb je een agent nodig. .

This is Vladimir

by Adrian on July 2, 2012

This will only be of interest to sailors, but this is Vladimir Ivankiv, your best point of contact if travelling to Russia.
He officially represents yacht and cruising clubs thought Russia and is recommended by everyone from Jimmy Cornell, RCC and pilot books downwards.

He is a sailor and also a very nice man who will help with any problems and (with his helpers) will help to smooth away any bureaucratic obstacles. He will charge a small, but very reasonable fee for his services, but asked for nothing else when we were there.

He can be contacted on

Tel: 00 7 (921) 932-58-31
Email :

He seems to have contacts throughout Russia, and can assist with simple entry invitations, official letters and formalities for entry visas, all the way up to planning and organising a trip through Russia on the extensive inland waterways (although by all accounts this is a bit harder, may involve numerous bribes, political pressure and potential visits to gulags if you get it wrong!)

Peter Mantel

Gepensioneerd uit de luchtvaart. Avonturen met de Asmara. Ik zeil met mijn tweemast kotter van de Noordzee tot de Oostzee

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